A Cycloid offer that might be the chance your business needs to thrive

When coronavirus broke out - or coronageddon, as I like to call it - Cycloid quickly decided to open our solution up to businesses that might need it.  On March 19th, we launched a special offer: completely unlimited access to Cycloid (SaaS version) and support via Hangouts and Slack, completely free of cost or obligation.


You can take advantage of our DevOps framework completely free of cost and obligation. We're doing this because we know coronoavirus has been hard on many companies and we think that for the ones that survive and thrive, DevOps will play an important role in their future. Click here to find out how. 

Why are you offering your tool for free?



Two reasons. Firstly, coronavirus has been incredibly hard on many worthy companies and we want to help where we can. We're lucky and grateful to be continuing work pretty much as normal and we want to offer something back.

Secondly, we truly believe that DevOps is the future of business. We hope that by encouraging you to implement DevOps thinking in your organization now, your business will thrive and you'll become a happy paying customer. 

What benefits does DevOps bring?

We think that all the organizational changes needed to create a culture of DevOps in a company are simply a better way to do business. In a nutshell (from DASA), DevOps is based on the following principles:

  • Principle 1. Customer-Centric Action
  • Principle 2. Create with the End in Mind
  • Principle 3. End-To-End Responsibility
  • Principle 4. Cross-Functional Autonomous Teams
  • Principle 5. Continuous Improvement
  • Principle 6. Automate Everything You Can

These principles aren't just nice ideas, they will help your entire business, the people in it, and the processes that underlie it to thrive. And although they're very clear in theory, actually implementing them in your company is a little harder.

So how does Cycloid help?

Well, our founder, Benjamin, realized that many business processes were actually preventing these principles from happening, rather than encouraging them. Silos blocked efficiency, there were too many tools, too much grunt work, many hiring problems, and monolithic development processes. The bigger the business got, the messier the problems grew. 

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He knew there had to be a different way, so he set up Cycloid and we set about finding it.  The result of our explorations is Cycloid, an end-to-end DevOps framework that aims to bring clarity, ease, and visibility to the modern business. By optimizing and organizing the people, processes, and tools you use for development, you'll start to see exactly where DevOps fits in and how to continue moving towards a 100% DevOps mindset.

How will the free offer work?

You'll fill in a short form on our website and we'll contact you. Once you've signed up, you link your cloud accounts to Cycloid and we bill you on your cloud provider's behalf. In other words, the only thing you pay for is your cloud provider. There are no extra fees and a little buffer between your provider's bill and ours. This offer is non-binding and there's no obligation. We’ve come up with this offer - at this time - so that teams can discover the power of our solution. Spending a little time on implementation now will let you save a lot later on!

What's the next step?

Simply contact us via this form to start the ball rolling. If you'd like to take a look at  the documentation, click here, and if you'd like more general information about our framework, click here.


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