Announcing InfraPolicies - and a surprise!

We've taken our first steps into a new year and it is a new year from which we are expecting a lot. We've started as we mean to go on, and are really pleased to introduce InfraPolicies, the newest addition to the Cycloid stable.

InfraPolicies - better control over your infrastructure

InfraPolicies harness the concept of policy best practice to bring you fine-grained control over changes to your organization's infrastructures. InfraPolicies will check and assess potential changes, comparing them against the pre-defined rules set by your organization. 

Once the changes have been compared, InfraPolicies will apply the severity level you've chosen: 

  • Critical: the changes will be blocked
  • Warning: the changes will be blocked but can be overridden manually
  • Advisory: the changes can be applied but a notification will be sent to the appropriate user

final_feature_InfraPolicies-CycloidHaving this kind of control over your infrastructure is essential if you're looking to scale and grow your DevOps-first organization. It allows governance and control, the natural and necessary counterparts to the freedom and fluidity with which your devs work. By keeping autonomy and responsibility in balance, your SDLC can grow exponentially without running undue risk.

Read more about InfraPolicies

How do I try InfraPolicies?

We're glad you asked! We said we wanted to start 2021 with a bang, and we meant it! That's why we are especially pleased to announce that you can try InfraPolicies (and the rest of Cycloid's excellent features, including StackForms and InfraView) for free, for 30 days with our new Free Trial.


Until now, we haven't had a free trial exactly - you could try the framework, but you had to reach out personally to the Cycloid sales team. We know that's not for everyone, so we've made some changes, and now anyone can sign up and properly use Cycloid right here.

What are you waiting for?

Try Cycloid


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