Why is it so difficult to hire for DevOps?

DevOps professionals are in demand. It’s not surprising when you think about it. DevOps is often...
Jun 24 - 5 min read

CTO of Hotel Spider, Yannick Blondeau, talks DevOps business value

We sent our latest ebook, DevOps Business Value: Prove it or Lose it to Yannick Blondeau, CTO of...
May 26 - 3 min read

Biz team versus dev team - is DevOps the best path to harmony?

Ever feel that when it comes to the way the executive team and your tech team see success, they are...
May 19 - 5 min read

Why is DevOps such a hard sell? - interview with Benjamin Brial

According to the 2021 State of DevOps Report, 80% of organizations are failing to scale DevOps...
Apr 28 - 3 min read

DevOps keeps the bus factor high (and the leather pants factor low!)

A while back, I wrote an ebook to help people work on the one part of the DevOps puzzle you can't...
Apr 08 - 5 min read

The Inside Story: Terraform Module Handling

Francesc, a backend developer here at Cycloid and talented maintainer of TerraCognita, tells us...
Mar 25 - 3 min read

The Inside Story: Roles & Policies

Nikola, a front end developer here at Cycloid, tells us what led to our recent shake up of Roles &...
Mar 11 - 2 min read

Dynamically adding and removing dedicated Concourse workers

Here at Cycloid, we use open-source pipeline engine Concourse in Kubernetes. Over time, we noticed...
Feb 25 - 2 min read

DevOps thinking and the Ikea factor

I wrote an ebook series about creating better DevOps teams recently and had a lot of fun. I also...
Feb 16 - 6 min read

Cycloid's 2020 in review...

Jan 29 - 1 min read

Announcing InfraPolicies - and a surprise!

We've taken our first steps into a new year and it is a new year from which we are expecting a lot....
Jan 21 - 1 min read

What are InfraPolicies?

InfraPolicies (infrastructure policies) are an implementation of Policy as Code. They provide...
Jan 20 - 2 min read